Contributed By Dr Thimappa Hegde
Vivekachudamani – Class 6
22nd February 2021
Summary of Previous class
Contributed by Dr. Diwaker
25 śiṣyaḥ uvāca
ko nāma bandhaḥ kathameṣa āgataḥ, kathaṃ pratiṣṭhāsya kathaṃ vimokṣaḥ ko’sāvanātmā paramaḥ ka ātmā, tayorvivekaḥ kathametaducyatām 49
7 important questions by the student
1.What is bondage ?
2.How does the bondage happen ?
3.How does this bondage persist for such long time?
4.How can I break free from this bondage ?
5.What is Anatma ?
6.What is Atma ?
7.How to differentiate between Atma and Anatma ?
yadboddhavyaṃ tavedānīm, ātmānātmavivecanam | taducyate mayā samyak, śrutvātmanyavadhāraya 71
7th Question-Atma Anatma viveka is answered first
Guru’s Alert to all students-
Samyak srutva- Listen carefully
Atman avadharaya- Register in the Mind
pañcīkṛtebhyo bhūtebhyaḥ, sthūlebhyaḥ pūrvakarmaṇā | samutpannamidaṃ sthūlaṃ, bhogāyatanamātmanaḥ | avasthā jāgarastasya, sthūlārthānubhavo yataḥ 88
Anatma & Atma (question 5&6 is discussed to answer question 7)
Anatma is discussed from this verse
External world is accepted by all as Anatma
Difficulty is in accepting Body-Mind
complex as Anatma
Sthula (gross)
Sukshma (subtle)
Karana sharira (causal)
General cause for gross body is formed by grossified 5 elements
Uniqueness of gross body is because of purva karmas
Gross body is the temporary abode of
Jivatma to fructify karmas, bhogyatanam
vāgādi pañca śravaṇādi pañca, prāṇādi pañcābhramukhāni pañca | buddhyādyavidyāpi ca kāmakarmaṇī, puryaṣṭakaṃ sūkṣmaśarīramāhuḥ 96
Constituents of subtle body
Puryastakam- 8 cities
1.5 organs of action-Karmendriya
2.5 sense organs - Jnanendriya
3.5 vital functions- Pancha Prana
4.5 subtle elements- Pancha boothas
5.4 Mind complex- Anthahkarana
6.Self misconception- Avidya
7.Desires causing Samsara- Kama
8.Actions and results of actions-Karma
Subtle body lasts till pralayam
idaṃ śarīraṃ śṛṇu sūkṣmasaṃjñitaṃ, liṅgaṃ tvapañcīkṛtabhūtasaṃbhavam| savāsanaṃ karmaphalānubhāvakaṃ, svājñānato’nādirupādhirātmanaḥ 97 svapno bhavatyasya vibhaktyavasthā, svamātraśeṣeṇa vibhāti yatra 98
Lingam-That which reveals consciousness
by borrowing consciousness from
Atma causal subtle gross
Subtle body is formed by ungrossified
5 elements and it stores Karmaphalams
(paapa and punya) & Vasanas
Karmaphala affects our Receivership
Vasana affects our Doership
Upadhi – That which distorts appearance.
3 bodies are Upadhis as they distort
Paramatma as Jivatma
Svajnantah- Because of self ignorance
about characters of upadhi we have
sarvavyāpṛtikaraṇaṃ liṅgam, idaṃ syāccidātmanaḥ puṃsaḥ | vāsyādikamiva takṣṇaḥ, tenaivātmā bhavatyasaṅgo’yam 100
Vyaparam-subtle body is used for all
transactions during wakeful state.
Chidatmah pumsah-Jivatma uses
subtle body for transactions, just like a carpenter (taksnah) uses chisel
So carpenter becomes akarta/abokta
without tools
So is Atma which is originally
akarta/abokta, without the tools of
subtle body-Asangah !
Contributed by Dr. Thimappa Hegde
Gocaraṃtamagocaram |
Sadguruṃpraṇato'smyaham ||1||
Verse 31
Contributed by Smt Sukanya

AVYAKTANAMI: that which is not visible
PARAMESHA SHAKTI: Maya shakti of Brahman
ANADYAVIDYA: Avidya / Ignorance which is Beginningless
TRIGUNATMIKA: with 3 attributes
KARYANUMEYA: Inferable from effect
SUDHIYA: An Intelligent seeker who goes by Scriptures for Inference
YAYA JAGAT SARVAMIDAM PRASOOYATE: By this Maya alone this Universe is generated

Verse 32
Contributed by Dr. Jagadish

Verse 33
Contributed by Dr Sathyanarayana
tat karanamnamasariramatmanah
pralinasarvaindriya buddhi vrittih
avyaktam etat- this unmanifest maya, seed of the entire universe
trigunaih niruktam- explained in the form of three gunas
tat karanam nama sariram atmanah- that is called the causal body of the atma
susupti etasya vibhakti avastha- of this deep sleep is distinct state
pralina sarva indriya buddhi vrttih- in which all activities of the senses and mind are resolved
The unmanifest maya is explained in the form of the three gunas and that is called the causal body of the atma. Sleep is atma's distinct state in which all the activities of the senses and the mind are resolved

Verse 34
Contributed by Sri Venkatesh Prasad

Verse 35
Contributed by Sri Shivakumar Yadalam

v śāstra names Jiva as Viśvaḥ when it is limited by avidya, gross & subtle body (sthula & sukshma), while identifying with the waking state
v Jiva limited by avidya & Subtle body, identifying with the dream state is called taijasaḥ
v Jiva limited by Karana (causal) body, identifying with deep sleep is called prājñaḥ.
Important points of Consciousness from śāstra
vConsciousness is not a part, product, property of this body
v Consciousness is an independent entity which pervades and enlivens this body
v Consciousness is not limited by the boundaries of this body
v Consciousness continues to exist, even after this body collapses
v Consciousness by itself without a upadhi/instrument, cannot transact or interact

Verse 36
Contributed by Smt Nita
yo vijānāti sakalaṃ, jāgratsvapnasuṣuptiṣu |
buddhitadvṛttisadbhāvam, abhāvamahamityayam

Om Puurnnam-Adah Puurnnam-Idam
Puurnnam-Eva-Avashissyate ||
Om ShaantihShaantihShaantih ||