Contributed By Dr Thimappa Hegde
Vivekachudamani – Class 5
15th February 2021
Summary of Previous class
Contributed by Ullas
Qualifications of a Guru
•śrotriyaḥ – Good communicator; Learnt through parampara
•brahmavittamaḥ - Established in the Truth
•avṛjinaḥ - follows dharmic lifestyle
•akāmahataḥ - undisturbed by worldly desire; Peaceful
•ahetuka dayāsindhuḥ - motiveless compassion
•Bandhu - One who helps.
A noble student should surrender to such a guru.
How to approach the Guru?
Praise the Guru and seek the only refuge from all worldly miseries
•Mahān - great in knowledge
•Nivasanti - staying in this very world with us, ready to help
•Śāntāh ̣- embodiment of peace – sign of a Jnani
•lokahitaṃ carantaḥ - no personal goals. works only to serve the society
•tīrṇāḥ - Crossed the ocean of becoming
•anyānjanān api tārayantaḥ - Motivelessly help others also to cross over
How does Guru respond?
•Praise – O, Intelligent One (knows the importance of Self - Enquiry)
•Reassure - There is a time tested way out (Many have already done it)
•Comfort –You can also attain it (Don’t be scared)
Problem and Solution
•Essence of entire Vedanta
•Problem - Ignorance causes the seeming bondage
•Solution - Knowledge alone can liberate
Atma - I, the subject
Anatma - Not just the world but also this BMC
Dr. Thimappa Hegde

ShrutiThe Upanishads
Smriti Bhagavad Gita
Nyaaya Brahmasutra
Prakaraṇa Grantā Vivekachudamani
Rare & Difficult to get Durlabham
•Manushyatvam •to be born as human
•Mumukshutvam •intense desire for liberation
•Mahapurusha samshraya taking refuge under a Guru
Glory of Being Human
Only in the human birth one can hope for liberation.
Mōkṣa should be the goal of our life.
Mōkṣa can be attained only through Jñānaṁ.
Jñānaṁ can be attained only through Sāstram;
Sastram is meaningful only through a Guru.
Qualified Guru and Qualified Disciple
Adhikari - Qualifications For Self Knowledge
Sadhana Chatushtayam (4 Ds)
1.Viveka – discrimination
2.Vairāgya – dispassion
3.Mumukshutvam – desire
4.Shatka (6-fold) Sampatti (wealth) - discipline
Mundakopanishad Verse 1.2.12
parīkṣya lokānkarmacitānbrāhmaṇo
nirvedamāyānnāstyakṛtaḥ kṛtena |
tadvijñānārthaṃ sa gurumevābhigacchet
samitpāṇiḥ śrotriyaṃ brahmaniṣṭham || 12 ||
Brahmavid Uttamam Dayasindhu
In the form of a Dialogue between a Guru and a Disciple
7 Questions &Elaborate Answers
Jeeva- Atma
Jagat- Anatma
Ishwara – Paramatma
Bandha- Bondage
Moksha- Liberation
Sadhana- Means
Verse 25
Contributed by Dr Ravishankar

को नाम बन्धः कथमेष आगतः
कथं प्रतिष्ठास्य कथं विमोक्षः ।
कोऽसावनात्मा परमः क आत्मा
तयोर्विवेकः कथमेतदुच्यताम्॥४९
Timid seeker courts refusal

Verse 26
Contributed by Aruna

Verse 27
Contributed by Rama

Aatma ....with Chaitanya
Anatma without Chaitanya
Three bodies
Gross body....Sthoola Shareeram
Subtle body....Sookshma Shareeram
Causal body...Kaarana Shareeram

Verse 28
Contributed by Chetana

ShariraTrayam – 3 Bodies
•Sthula Sharira – gross physical body
•SukshmaSharira – subtle body
•Karana Sharira – causal body

Verse 29
Contributed by Veeksha

Verse 30

Story Message & Meditation
Dr. Thimappa Hegde
I wish I could Give him That !

Shiva Sutras
विस्मयो योगभूमिका:।
•'Vismaya Yoga Bhumika’:
•Wonder the foundation to Spirituality
•Means your spiritual journey begins when you have wondering eyes.
•Tree and wonder.
•Be like little children
•To be able to see God, feel God, be with God, this is wonderment.
Bhaja Govindam
•yogarato vā bhogarato vā
•saṅgarato vā saṅgavihīnaḥ |
•yasya brahmaṇi ramate cittaṁ
•nandati nandati nandatyeva || 19||
Om Puurnnam-Adah Puurnnam-Idam
Puurnnam-Eva-Avashissyate ||
Om ShaantihShaantihShaantih ||