Contributed By Dr T Hegde
Greatness of Gita – An Overview
Greatness of the Gita
•The Vedas are voluminous.
•Lord Krishna has condensed the Vedas into Gita in 700 verses.
• Adi Shankara -study of the Gita, is study of the Vedas.
Bhagavad Gita is a part of Mahabharatha,
Composed byVyasacharya.
•It is in the form of a dialogue between Lord Krishna & Arjuna.
•Just as Democracy is of the people, for the people and by the people.
•The Gita is written by a house holder ( grihastha ), Vyasacharya for a house holder Arjuna and delivered by a house holder Lord Krishna.
•This is a user’s manual for a man steeped in worldly issues.
Study of Gita Chapters
•Chapter 1. The human problem, Master and student.
•Chapter 2. A complete summary of the Gita.
•Chapter 3. Transform work to worship, Karma Yoga.
•Chapter 6. Impossible is Nothing, all about Meditation.
• Prathama Shatkam Chapters 1 - 6
•Tvam – Karma Yoga - Effort
• Madhyama Shatkam. Chapters 7 - 12
•Tat - Upasana Yoga - Grace
• Antima Shatkam. Chapters 13 - 18
•Asi - Jnana Yoga - Values
Yatra yogeśvarahkṛṣṇo, yatra pārthodhanur-dharaḥ
tatraśrīrvijayobhūtir, dhruvānītirmatir mama
Dhyana Shloka 8
Contributed By Veeksha

Gita Dhyana Shloka - 9
Contributed By Dr Sandhya Ravi
yaṃ brahmā varuṇēndra-rudra-marutaḥ stuvanti divyaiḥ stavaiḥ
vēdaiḥ sāṅga-pada-kramōpaniṣadairgāyanti yaṃ sāmagāḥ|
dhyānāvasthita-tadgatēna manasā paśyanti yaṃ yōginaḥ
yasyāntaṃ na viduḥ surāsura-gaṇā dēvāya tasmai namaḥ||9||
Salutations to Lord (Visnu), Whom Brahma, Varuna, Indra, Rudra and the Maruts praise with divine hymns, of Whom the singers of Samaveda invoke through the Vedas with their limbs, pada, Krama and Upanishads, whom the wise see with a contemplative mind directed towards him, and whose limit (even) Devas and Asuras do not know
The Worship of ParamAtma
•No Ordinary God – Worshipped by all
•Glorified in Many ways – Vedaih sAnga- padakramOpanishadair
•The wise see him within themselves
•The Limitless Anantham nature of the Lord is not known to even the Devas and Asuras
Summary of Introduction to Vedanta
Contributed By Dr T Hegde
Mind Mastery / Mano Jaya
Count Your Blessings
durlabhaM trayamevaitat daivaanugraha hetukam । manuShyatvaM mumukShutvaM mahaapuruSha saMshrayaH ॥ - vivekachUDaamaNi
Only by God's grace - human birth, desire for liberation and satsanga.
How lucky I am
Make the most of Life
Discover Higher Purpose.
I've never made a fortune
and it's probably too late now.
But I don't worry about that much,
I'm happy anyhow.
And as I go along life's way,
I'm reaping better than I sowed.
I'm drinking from my saucer,
'Cause my cup has overflowed.
You are your thoughts Gautama Buddha
•“Watch your thoughts, they become words
•Watch your words, they become actions
•Watch your actions, they become habits
•Watch your habits, they become character
•Watch your character, for it becomes…
your destiny”
What is the serious problem of the mind?
•What is our instrument can become our master.
•Not available to us when we need.
•The mind generates continuous thoughts without taking permission
•Real time.
•Psychological time.
Vedanta for Mind Mastery
•Vedanta is a Sadhana
•To get back my own mind
•If I master my mind
•I can get Dharma, Artha, Kāma, and Mōksha
Our vast scriptural literature can be classified in six groups

Vedas have 4 Parts
Veda Purva
1) Mantra or Samhita 2) Brāhmana Bhāgaha Karma 3) Āranyaka Upasana
Veda Anta 4) Upanishad Jnana / Vedanta
•Shruti The Upanishads
•Smriti Bhagavad Gita
•Nyaaya Brahmasutra
ChaturvidhaPurushārtha. The four goals are
•Dharma - Values based on scriptures
•Artha - Wealth, Security.
•Kāma - Enjoy comforts, desires.
PanchaMaha Yagna.
•Brahma Yagna
•Deva Yagna.
•Manushya yagna
•Bootha yagna
•Pitru yagna
4 Sadhanas and 4 Vedic Mantras
4 Sadhanas
Upasana Yoga
Karma Yoga vs Karmi.
Gita Chapters 2,3,4,5
•Right action and right attitude for Mano jaya.
•Right Action. Sathwik, Selfless.
•Right Attitude Ishwara Arpana/ Prasada Bhava
Upasana Yoga
•Mantra Japa.
•Mantra Parayana.
•Important Gita and Upanishad Mantras
•Manasa Pooja.
Gnana Yoga
Gnāna or knowledge, of what ?
•What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
•In the scriptures the real “I” is called Ātmā.
What is Bhakti Yoga ?
•Bhakti Yogaha is not an exclusive or separate Sadhana.
•It is the entire range of disciplines consisting of all the three sadhanas.
•First stage of Bhakti Yoga is Karma Yoga.
•The second stage is Upāsana Yoga
•The last stage of is Jnāna Yoga.
Qualifications Required
1. Vivekaha - discrimination 2. Vairāgyam - dispassion 3. Mumukshutvam - desire 4. Shatka Sampattihi - discipline
1. Shama – Mastery of the mind
2. Dama – Mastery of the sense organs
4. Titiksha – mental toughness
5. Shraddha – Trust pending verification
6. Samadhana – Focusing capacity
ShariraTrayam – AvastaTrayam – Kosha Panchakam
•Foundation for Vedanta.
•1st year medical school.
•Class can only introduce these terms.
•Key to Understanding the Upanishads. What is Real.
•We live in 3 world, Tripura.
•In each world we have a different body.
•This ancient wisdom complements modern science.

Suffering can Disappear at Once
•Cause for samsara or human suffering, is due to a mistake or an error.
•The removal of the error is by spiritual knowledge.

Accept and make the most of Prarabdha
Fate/ Free Will
•Take responsibility.
•Don’t complain.
•Use for spiritual growth.
•All shall be well.
•Lower Self. No real solution
•Higher Self. No problem.
Destroy Sanchita.
yathaidhāṁsi samiddhō'gnirbhasmasāt kurutē'rjuna|
jñānāgniḥ sarvakarmāṇi bhasmasāt kurutē tathā||4.37||
Oh Arjuna! The fire of knowledge reduces all Karmas to ashes just as a wellkindled
fire reduces the fuel to ashes.
Om SarveshaamSvastirBhavatu
Contributed By Shri Ullas
सर्वेषां स्वस्तिर्भवतु ।
SarveśāmSvastirBhavatu May there be well-being in all
सर्वेषां शान्तिर्भवतु ।
SarveśāmShāntirBhavatu May there be peace in all
सर्वेषां पूर्नं भवतु ।
SarveśāmPūrnamBhavatu May there be fulfilment in all
सर्वेषां मड्गलं भवतु ॥
SarveśāmMaṇgalamBhavatu May there be auspiciousness in all
ॐ सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः।
Om, Sarvebhavantusukhinaḥ May all be prosperous and happy
सर्वे सन्तु निरामयाः।
Sarvesantunirāmayāḥ May all be free from illness
सर्वे भद्राणि पश्यन्तु।
Sarvebhadrāṇipaśyantu May all see what is spiritually uplifting
मा कश्चित् दुःख भाग्भवेत्॥
Mākashchitduḥkhabhāgbhavet May no one suffer
ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः ॥
OṁShāntiḥ, Shāntiḥ, Shāntiḥ Om peace, peace, peace
Why pray for the entire creation?
Root of all problems Wrong Identification
Concern about me and mine...
The way we see the world is very I centric. We need to recognize that we are a part of the whole and not different wholes per se.
We are born with some empathy - all of us. We need to increase it by practicing it by genuinely caring about others – this prayer is really useful for that.
Om Puurnnam-Adah Puurnnam-Idam
Puurnnam-Eva-Avashissyate ||
Om ShaantihShaantihShaantih ||