Contributed By Dr Thimappa Hegde
Kaivalya Upanishad – Class 8
05 MARCH 2021
Summary of Previous Class
Contributed by Dr. Ahalya
Contributed by Dr. Thimappa Hegde
Om Akhanda Manadalakaram
Vyaptam yena Charaacharam
Tadpadam Darshitam Yena
Tasmai Sri Guruve Namaha
Kaivalya Upanishad
•A 'minor' Upanishad, though not in content.
•It deals with meditation (mantras 5 to 10)
•Only 25 mantras and belongs to the Atharva Veda
•Kaivalya means Moksha , Purnatvam, total fulfillment.
•Kevala means without a second (advitiyam).
•Ashvalayana Rishi a prepared student and the teacher Brahmaji
•Shraddha, Bhakti and Dhyana
•6th chapter of Gita
•Readying Mind, Body (nirudhya bhaktya svagurum pranamya).
•Lord with a single form , with manifold forms ,and formless
•The seeker realizes that he is the very Lord in essence.
•This Upanishad contains several Mahavakyas.
Verse 2
Contributed by Dr Satyanarayana
Tasmaisahovacapitamahasca shraddha bhakti dhyana
Sah pitamahah ca- that universal father, caturmukha Brahma also
Ha uvacatasmai- duly replied to him
Avehi- may you know (that Brahman)
sraddha bhakti dhyanayogat- by resorting to faith, devotion & meditation
That Brahma also duly replied to him- “May you know (that Brahman) by resorting to faith, devotion and meditation”

•Shraddha yoga- Shravanam
•Bhakti yoga- mananam
•Dhyana yoga- Nidhidhyasanam
Verse 3
Contributed by Smt Rama
न कर्मणा न प्रजया धनेन त्यागेनैके अमृतत्वमानशुः ।
परेण नाकं निहितं गुहायां विभ्राजते यद्यतयो विशन्ति ॥ ३॥
Yath Parēṇa nākaṁ - That which is higher than the heavenly pleasures , guhāyāṁ nihitaṁ - which resides in the cave of the heart or intellect, vibhrājate - shines by itself, yatayoy viśanti - self controlled Sannyāsīs attain, amrutatvam - that immortality, na karmana - not through any ritual, na prajaya - not through progeny, na dhanena (anashuhu) -
Not by gathering / through wealth, tyāgena eke – a few seekers only
through renunciation, anashuhu – have attained.
•Vairagyam as a Sahakari Saadhanam
•Detachment from Attachments
•Karmana ---By Work
•Prajaya——By Indirect- Help Not by These avebue
•Dhanena— By Wealth
•Objects can be Perceived
•Brahman not a World Object
•Subjective Experience

Verse 4
Contributed by Indumathi

Verse 10
Contributed by Dr. Vikram Kekatpure

Through Brahmavidya Jnani claims the true nature of Brahman
•Non dual
All pervading, sarvagataha
Verse 11
Contributed by Aruna

Verse 19
Contributed by Smt Mamatha Shankar
Kaivalya Upanishad - Verse 19
Mayi eva sakalam jaatam, mayi sarvam pratishtitham;
Mayi sarvam layam yaati, tad brahma advayam asmi aham
In me alone everything is born
In me alone does everything exist and
In me alone everything gets dissolved
I am that non-dual Brahman
Mahavakyas of the Upanishads -
•Mahavakyas – The Great sayings of the Upanishads
•Individual self = Universal Brahman
•Upadesha roopa Mahavakya - Tat Tvam Asi
•Anubhava roopa Mahavakya – Aham Brahmasmi

Dr. Thimappa Hegde
Ishavasya Upanishad
Shukla Yajurveda.
•A small Upanishad only, with 18 mantras
•Most of the mantras are obscure because words do not have their dictionary meaning.
•Comparable to 18 chapters of the Gita.
•Two main topics, Jnana Yoga and Karma Yoga,
•Charama Prarthana
•Om poornamadah poornamidam
•Poornaat poornamudachyate Poornasya poornamaadaaya
•Poornamevaavashishṣyate Om shaantih shaantih shaantih
•hiraṇmayenapātreṇasatyasyāpihitaṃmukham | tat tvaṃpūṣannapāvṛṇusatyadharmāyadṛṣṭaye || 15
•agne naya supathā rāye asmān viśvāni deva vayunāni vidvān |
•yuyodhy asmaj juhurāṇam eno bhūyiṣṭhāṃ te nama uktiṃ vidhema || 18 ||
March 11th 2021
Mantra Importance- Om Namah Shivaya
Chanting of Rudram or Shatarudriya
• In the middle of the Krishna Yajurveda, Taittireya Samhita contains Sri Rudram or Shatarudriya
•Lord Shiva is also called "Ausuthoshin" easily pleased. The easiest method of pleasing him is by chanting of Sri Rudram.
•The great commentator Narayana calls the Kaivalya Upanishad as Brahma Satarudriya
•In the Himalayas a measure of distance
Om Puurnnam-Adah Puurnnam-Idam
Puurnnam-Eva-Avashissyate ||
Om ShaantihShaantihShaantih ||