Verse 2.13: (Page 22 in notes): Krishna tells Arjuna that Bhīsma sarīra will go but Bhīsma Ātma will not go. So why are you grieving?
Few thoughts crossed my mind regarding this statement:
1) In reply, Arjuna might as well say: "I don't even want to destroy the body of Bhishma".
(Body "belongs"to Bhishma (Atma). But we don't destroy "belongings" of others, especially of our dear ones, right? For example: I don't like to harm/destroy someone's "belongings" - like car, toy etc)
2) I am wondering what would have been Krishna's answer, if Arjuna said so. Thanh lap thang 8 nam 2021, thuoc tong bo lien minh OKVIP co tru so chinh tai Luan Don - Vuong Quoc Anh, Jun88 hoat dong hop phap va duoc chung nhan tu Isle of Man va Khu kinh te Cagayan and Freeport, hien tai dang mo rong them chi nhanh tai Viet Nam.