Contributed By Dr Thimappa Hegde

Contributed by Dr Thimappa Hegde

na hi kaśhchit kṣhaṇam api jātu tiṣhṭhatyakarma-kṛit
kāryate hyavaśhaḥ karma sarvaḥ prakṛiti-jair guṇaiḥ
There is no one who can remain without action even for a moment.
Indeed, all beings are compelled to act by their qualities born of material nature (the three guṇas)
Karma Yoga vs Karmi
Gita Chapters 2,3,4,5
•Karma causes bondage
•Karma yoga paves for liberation

Krithi mahodadhau pathana kaaranam
Phalam asaashvatham gathi nirodhakam
What is moksha or liberation ?
•All of us experience the limitation – this is called bandha
•All the time it is a struggle to overcome these limitations
• We want to be in charge or in control of over lives
• Many things we don’t want to happen, keep happening
• And many things we want to happen, do not happen at all
Samsara is the cycle of birth and death MBBS Meaningless Boring Burdensome. Struggle

punarapi jananam punarapi maranam punarapi janani jathare sayanam,
iha samsare bahudusare krpaya’pare pahi murare – 21
•Kaya Vacha Manasa
•Manasa = mind
•Vacha = by speech
•Kaya = by action
Contributed By Vinayakan
karmaṇyēvādhikārastē mā phalēṣu kadācana |
mā karmaphalahēturbhūrmā tē saṅgō'stvakarmaṇi || 2.47 ||
You have a choice over action alone; never over results. May you not be the
motivated by the results of actions. May you not have an inclination towards

karmaṇyēvādhikārastē mā phalēṣu kadācana |
mā karmaphalahēturbhūrmā tē saṅgō'stvakarmaṇi || 2.47 ||
•मा कदाचन फलॆषु mā kadācana phaleṣu never over results
•अकर्मणि akarmaṇi towards inaction.
•One should refrain from inaction for fear of failure
•When you win, you win,
•When you lose, you learn
Ishwara arpitam na icchayaa kritam
Chitta shodhakam mukti sadhakam
Contributed by Dr. Sunder
yōgasthaḥ kuru karmāṇi saṅgaṃ tyaktvā dhanañjaya|
siddhyasiddhyōḥ samō bhūtvā samatvaṃ yōga ucyatē || 2.48 ||
Oh Arjuna! Abiding in Yōga, giving up attachment and remaining the same in
success and failure, perform actions. Equanimity is called Yōga.

Definition of Karma Yoga
yōgasthaḥ kuru karmāṇi saṅgaṃ tyaktvā dhanañjaya|
siddhyasiddhyōḥ samō bhūtvā samatvaṃ yōga ucyatē
•The mental balance achieved through the inner growth is called samatvam.

Contributed By Dr Anupama
buddhiyuktō jahātīha ubhē sukṛtaduṣkṛtē |
tasmādyōgāya yujyasva yōgaḥ karmasu kauśalam || 2.50 ||
Oh Arjuna! Action (with motive) is indeed far inferior to karmayōga. Take
refuge in karmayōga. Those who are motivated by results are unfortunate.
This verse reveals the phalam of karmayoga
3] IHA
What is karmayoga?
•Proper action is performance of swadharma
•Proper attitude is : Eshwara arpana bhava = akartatvam; Prasada buddhi =abhoktatvam
Samatva bhavana=buddhi yoga
kaushalam=skill in action
A mental state of equanimity or poise resulting in freedom from anxiety regarding consequences of actions is called samatvam
Kaushalam is an attitudinal change which enables the karmayogi to convert binding actions into liberating ones.
Similar to a deadly virus being attenuated into an immunity boosting vaccine
What is the reward?-
This karma yogi __a buddhiyukta __endowed with samatvam and kaushalam effortlessly renounces [jahati ] both [ube ] punya karma, [sukrtam ] and papam [dushkrutam ]
•Every karma has an inherent binding nature which generates punya and papam perpetuating the eternal cycle of janma and marana.- [birth and death]
Does a karma yogi attain moksha?
What about ___jnanam eva kaivalyam
na karmana, na prajeya dhanena……etc
CHITTA SHUDDI is the sakshat phalam of karmayoga
MOKSHA is the parampara phalam attained in due course
Chittashuddi >>>guru prapti>>>>SMN>>>>>jnanam>>>moksha
When and where is this possible?
Lord Krishna says IHA. [asmin Loke ] = HERE and NOW, in this very janma
buddhiyuktō jahātīha ubhē sukṛtaduṣkṛtē |
tasmādyōgāya yujyasva yōgaḥ karmasu kauśalam || 2.50 |
Skill in action –
To convert a binding karma into a liberating karma.
It is like using snake poison appropriately to create medicine.
Contributed By Dr. Kiran
Karma Yoga (Chapter 3) Action is Superior to Inaction
Arjuna is seeking clarification - which path to Take- Krishna glorified Jnana marga but was seem to be asking Arjuna to fight Ghore Karmani
Lord clarifies that both are important- hunger is satiated by eating food, but we have to prepare food first
Man because of his freewill bestowed to him can pursue goals or purushartha
Moksha or enlightenment is ultimate goal - choice
But for his other requirements he has to do action or Karma without choice because…..
Lord says – man cannot maintain even his body without action and cannot remain silent even for a moment- Kshana api without doing something
Karma Yoga (Chapter 3)
Niyataṁ kuru karma tvaṁ karma jyāyo hy akarmaṇaḥ
śarīrayātrāpi ca te na prasiddhyed akarmaṇaḥ 3.8
tvaṃ kuru Perform niyataṃ karma the obligatory action, hi for karma jyāyaḥ action is superior, akarmaṇaḥ to inaction, api ca śarīrayātrā Even the maintenance of the body, na prasidhyet would not be possible, te for you akarmaṇaḥ from inaction.
Perform the obligatory action (as explained in Vedas), for action is superior to inaction. From inaction ,even the maintenance of the body would not be possible.
Karma Yoga - Proper Action & Attitude
•Having explained the futility and dangers of avoiding action, Lord Krishna advises how one should do action. These are seed verses of karma yoga
•Lord further explains- now that Karma is essential why not use it as a means of attaining the ultimate ?
•Such a deliberate planned proper action (Karma) with proper attitude (Yoga) becomes a means of preparation to get necessary qualification for obtaining Jnana and a YOGA- This he calls KARMA YOGA
Karma can be divided into:-
1.Satvika karma- Uttama benefits others more, helps in spiritual progress
2.Rājasic karma - madhyama karma; selfish action, But may not cause harm
3.Tamasic- more damage
Karma Yoga- Acceptance and Gratitude
•Should be the aim of seekers
•Pancha maha yajna-
•Lord Krishna commands that this Yajna should be done regularly (Agna) . Pancha Mahayajna is mention in Vedas
•Thus, such a Karma Yoga we can get rid of Malam or impurities and attain important qualification and tool for pursuing Jnanam yoga for realising “The Self- The greatest quest of Mankind”

niyataṃ kuru karma tvaṃ karma jyāyō hyakarmaṇaḥ|
śarīrayātrā'pi ca tē na prasiddhyēdakarmaṇaḥ||3.8||
•Krishna declares that action is superior to inaction
•Prescribed actions.
•An immature person may not follow the prescribed actions
Contributed By Dr. Diwakar
yajñārthāt karmaṇo'nyatra loko'yaṁ karmabandhanaḥ |
tadarthaṁ karma kaunteya muktasaṅgaḥ samācara ||3.9||
This world is bound by actions in the case of any (action) other than an action
meant for Yajña. (Therefore) Perform action for that sake without attachment,
Oh Arjuna!
yajñārthāt karmaṇo'nyatra loko'yaṁ karmabandhanaḥ |
tadarthaṁ karma kaunteya muktasaṅgaḥ samācara ||3.9||
•Action + devotion = yajña à Liberation
•Action – devotion = Karma à Bondage
•All that I have is God’s gift.
•Whatever I do is my gift to God

Contributed By Smt Rama
yajñaśiṣṭāśinaḥ santō mucyantē sarvakilbiṣaiḥ|
bhuñjatē tē tvaghaṃ pāpā yē pacantyātmakāraṇāt|| 3.13 ||
•Performing prescribed action per commandment (ājñā)
•Performing action as a sacrifice (yajña)
•Performing action to purify the mind (citta-śuddhi) Sadhana
•The mind must be scrubbed clean of kāma, etc using karma yoga as the sandpaper
KARMA YOGA - Action with Ishvara arpana bhaava
Accept karma phalam as Ishvara prasada
1.Renounce Doership /Kartrutva
2.Convert activities into worship
3.Accept the consequences of the results
4.Cause of papam is delusion
5.Freed from sins
6.Worldly pleasures

Contributed By Dr. Sachin
Mruthyorma- amritamgamaya
Sat Brahman The original consciousness, The higher self
asat - Body mind complex ,The lower order of reality

Contributed By Dr. Thimappa Hegde

You are your thoughts - Gautama Buddha
•“Watch your thoughts, they become words
•Watch your words, they become actions
•Watch your actions, they become habits
•Watch your habits, they become character
•Watch your character, for it becomes…
your destiny”
What is the serious problem of the mind?
•What is our instrument can become our master.
•Not available to us when we need.
•The mind generates continuous thoughts without taking permission
•Real time.
•Psychological time.
Amrita Bindu Upanishad
Mana eva manushyanam
karanam bandha-mokshayoh
Karma Yoga for Mind Mastery
Man Jeet- Jag Jeet

Om Puurnnam-Adah Puurnnam-Idam
Puurnnasya Puurnnam-Aadaaya
Puurnnam-Eva-Avashissyate ||
Om ShaantihShaantihShaantih ||
For Gita Jayanti Class 2 materials, including summaries, slides, and links, please refer to the resources provided by Param Vedanta, veeam management agent which offer comprehensive insights into various chapters of the Bhagavad Gita.