Contributed By Dr Thimappa Hegde
Recap... Chapter 12 BHAKTI YOGA
Contributed By Dr Ahalya
Not an exclusive or separate Sadhana
It is the range of all three sadhanas
1st stage of Bhakti Yoga is Karma Yoga
2nd stage is Upāsana Yoga
The last stage is Jnāna Yoga
1st...Sakamapradhana karma yoga
•Anyone can start
•Kamya karma
•Yoga-kshema pradhana
•Accept whatever happens as the consequence of God’s will
•Ishwara Prasada Buddhi
·Purifies the mind
·Reacting mind will calm down
·We begin to learn that dependence on the world is risky
·Gradually we will be drawn towards spirituality
2nd............Nishkama karma
•Krishna recommends selfless action for a person who is too extroverted because such a person will not succeed in meditation
•Selfless action is निष्काम कर्म the highest and purest form of action
•It is nothing but पञ्च महा यज्ञ (pancha maha yajna).
•Selfless action leads to purification of mind.
•Purified mind will prepare oneself eligible for meditation on God with a particular form (इष्ट देवता उपासना).
•This leads to liberation not directly, but by making one qualified for higher stages of Spiritual Evolution

3rd...Eka roopa Upasana
•Abhyasa Yoga
•Yoga kshema is on the Lord
•Any form of Nava Vidha Bhakti
Understanding the Viswaroopa (ashta murthi) nature of God with conviction
Study of scriptures
Devotion based on understanding
Handling the world – handling the cause
The Journey so far..
1) Sadhaka Is a karma yogi
2) Is in the process of gaining JNANA YOGYATHA (eligibility for jnana yoga)
3) Lives in the VYAVAHARIKA PRAPANCHA à Ishvara Jeeva Jagath ( The triangular format)
4) Graduates from sakama to nishkama to vishvaroopa upasana
5th....NirgunaIshwara Upasana
1)Has evolved from a sadaka to a siddha
2) Has reached the destination
3) Has evolved from bhaktha to Bhagavan
4)Perceives the PARAMARTHIKA existence
5)Akshara Brahma Upasaka
The binary format
Qualifications of a NIRGUNA Upasaka
1) Master of his sense organs, mind and intellect
Sanniyam indrya grama
2) He has equipoise Samatvam
Sarvatra samabuddhayah
3) He maintains a dharmic lifestyle Daivi sampath
Sarvabootha hite ratah
Para Bhakta
•Those devotees who keep Me as the primary goal
•Who faithfully pursue this immortal teaching are very dear to Me
Qualities of a Para Bhakta
yasmānnōdvijatē lōkō lōkānnōdvijatē ca yaḥ | harṣāmarṣabhayōdvēgairmuktō yaḥ sa ca mē priyaḥ || 12.15 samaḥ śatrau ca mitrē ca tathā mānāpamānayōḥ | śītōṣṇasukhaduḥkhēṣu samaḥ saṅgavivarjitaḥ || 12.18 ||
Prathama Shatkam Chapters 1 - 6
Tvam – Karma Yoga - Effort
Madhyama Shatkam. Chapters 7 - 12
Tat - Upasana Yoga - Grace
Antima Shatkam. Chapters 13 - 18
Asi - Jnana Yoga - Values
Six Topics WORTH kNOWING jñeyaṁ

Fundamental Laws of Vedanta
I am different from whatever I experience, Atma Anatma Viveka
All attributes I experience belong to the experienced objects and not to me the experiencer the subject. I as Atma am Nirguna.
I am different from whatever I experience
Atma anatma viveka
Kshetra kshetragnya viveka
Drik drishya viveka
Purusha prakriti viveka
I am different from whatever I experience
I am not my body
I am not my mind
I am the witness of my body and mind
I function through this body and mind
It is an instrument
Whatever happens to my body/mind, will not affect me
I as Atma, am Nirguna. No attributes, infinite
•Time, Nithya
•Space, all pervading
•Objects, not limited to this body, I am all

Guru Shastra Upadesha
Why do we suffer samsara?
An error in ATMA ANATMA VIVEKA is the cause of our suffering
Aim of Vedantic Study
•We have to train our minds to claim the ATMA as the REAL “ I ”
•The Body/ Mind is the incidental VYVAHARIKA “ I ”
•I assign it roles to play, for after all “ALL THE WORLD IS A STAGE I”
•Claiming the ATMA is the aim of Vedanta

arjuna uvāca |
prakṛtiṁ puruṣaṁ caiva kṣetraṁ kṣetrajñameva ca |
etadvēditumicchāmi jñānaṁ jñeyaṁ ca keśava || 13.1 ||
Arjuna asked: - Oh Lord! I desire to know he following- prakrti, purusa,
kṣetraṁ, kṣētrajña, jñānam, and jñeyam.
CHAPTER 13 – SHLOKA 13.2 & 13.3
Contributed By Dr. Diwakar
śrī-bhagavān uvācha idaṁ śharīraṁ kaunteya kṣhetram ity abhidhīyate etad yo vetti taṁ prāhuḥ kṣhetrajña iti tadvidaḥ
Lord Krishna said – Oh Arjuna! This body is known as kṣetraṁ. (There is a conscious principle) which knows this (body). Wise men declare that (knower principle) to be ksetrajñā
kṣhetrajñaṁ chāpi māṁ viddhi sarvakṣhetreṣhu bhārata kṣhetrakṣhetrajñayor jñānaṁ yat taj jñānaṁ mataṁ mama
And know me as the kṣhētrajña in all the kṣhētras, O Bharata. The knowledge of kṣhētra and kṣhētrajña is deemed by Me as true Knowledge.

Contributed Dr. Ravishankar

JNEYAM CHAPTER 13 – SHLOKA 13.14 to 13.18
Contributed By Dr Sunder
jñeyaṁ yat tat pravakṣyāmi
yaj jñātvāmṛtam aśnute anādimat paraṁ brahma
na sat tan nāsad ucyate 13.12
The ultimate TRUTH to be known It is worth knowing
Brahman is Existence Principle – SAT
Brahman is Consciousness Principle – CHIT

CHAPTER 13 - SHLOKA 13.22 and 13.23
Contributed By Radha Muralidharan
•Pure bliss
•Material energy
•Avidya Lakshnam
•Modified into karya & karana
•L.S verse
•I AM + that/this,etc
Cause of Birth
•Anandi Mayaya suptaha
•Punarapi jananam

Shift from Purusha to prakruti
•Degree of involvement
Grace / Jnana
•Sun & moon
•Deep sleep
•Aparoksha Anubhooti
CHAPTER 13 - SHLOKA 13.25 and 13.31
Contributed By Dr Vishwas
dhyānenātmani paśhyanti kechid ātmānam ātmanā anye sānkhyena yogena karma-yogena chāpare 13.25
Some (seekers) see the Self in the mind with the mind through meditation.
Some others (see) through Jñānayōga. Some others (see) through Karma yōga.
•Karma Yoga >Jnana Yoga> Moksha

yadā bhūta-pṛithag-bhāvam eka-stham anupaśhyati tata eva cha vistāraṁ brahma sampadyate tadā 11.31
When one sees the diversity of beings o be based on the one (Self) and
(their) origination o be from that (Self) alone then, one becomes Brahman.

Equality in all beings, saves from desire / hatred (samatva)
Oneness with consciousness, eternal existence (amrutatva)
Freedom from notion of doership (akartatva)
Assimilate with brahman (brahmatva prapti)
Om Puurnnam-Adah Puurnnam-Idam
Puurnnasya Puurnnam-Aadaaya
Puurnnam-Eva-Avashissyate ||
Om ShaantihShaantihShaantih ||
Thanks very much Sir.